Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Research of Photographs for Double Page Spread

After deciding that I wanted the subject of my double page spread photograph to be a record player, this fits in with a story on my front cover and also the vintage style of my magazine, I knew that I needed to look into how other people had taken photographs of vinyl players.
 I like how the focus has been used to look at just the needle of the vinyl player. I also think the colours created and the shine on the record make the photograph work well.
 In this photograph the colour of the middle of the vinyl appears to be the focal point. I also like the shadow created by the needle as I think it gives the photograph depth. When taking my photographs I will have to think about how I can really capture the shape of the record.
 Again this photograph gives off a very metallic look, maybe too modern for the type of photograph that I would like for my style of magazine. But it is important that I maybe include the needle, the record and some of the record player so that it gives the best impact.

Out of all the photographs I chose to look at this is the only one which includes the actual record player. I could experiment when taking my photographs as to whether or not have this in focus too. Either producing a photograph like the ones above, or actually changing the shape of the photograph by including the square and boxy look of the vinyl player itself.