Following looking at music magazine front covers I have researched photographs that could suit a music magazine. Looking at existing photographs and how they have been taken and again how this could influence my work.
One of the first photographs that I came across was this of music artist Hudson Moore. I particularly like the camera angle of this photograph and the attitude portrayed within the picture. This type of photograph would suit a front cover as there is the extra space for the other information to be on the front cover.
I could think about having more than one subject in the photograph that I take. The picture to the right is the band Brotherhood of the Lake. I particularly like the background and setting for the photograph. However as the picture has been taken landscape so would not fit on to a magazine front cover well. The casual clothing also does not have a very glamourous feel or look to it as most music magazines would. Again showing me I need to think about the background and clothing in which my subject is in.
I decided to look at a female star, this is Florence from Florence and the Machine. Although her picture does not look very musical, it can be considered quite rocky and lairy. I like this picture as it again shows quite a lot of attitude . The clothing, accesories and look of the model have been chosen carefully to be quite controversial and give off confidence from the model.