As my first stages of research I decided to look at different music magazines and how the different genres of music are portrayed. Looking at the way in which the photographs are taken and laid out on the front page of the magazine. I like how busy this front cover is and the use of very little colour. The small insert of another picture also makes this front cover very dynamic.
This is a very different genre of music in comparison to the last magazine, but I very much like the use of shots and layout. The way in which the passion is portrayed and then repeated with the reflected picture. The dark background with light on the subject gives it a more dynamic feel. 
One of the reasons I chose this magazine front cover is because Eminem has been made to look like the main character from the film 'A Clockwork Orange'. I as a customer was intrigued as to why he was dressed like this. I feel that therefore the magazine front cover had done its job of enticing an audience. Similar to Q the magazine 'Spin' has used 3 to 4 main colours of red, white, blue and black. This makes the magazine have a more professional and slicker look. The front of this magazine however is very simple and basic. Little writing, and the main feature is the picture of rap artist Eminem.

Similar reasons to the previous magazine front cover I chose this one because I like the band on the front cover and can associate with it. This is therefore appealing to a target audience. I like how the text and picture are positioned. In comparison to the last magazine front cover it is very busy and full of lots of information that the reader can become interested about before buying it. Making them buy it. The position of the text has been thought about carefully. Something I will have to consider when designing my magazine front cover and taking my photograph. Making sure there is either a background or room for text and a title. 
From my research I have found that I need to think about the composition of my subject when taking my photograph. Thinking about clothing, lighting, background and anything else that may effect the performance of my photograph. I can also think about using the colours in the photograph and using them for my text and other objects on the page.